We have arranged the testimonials in order of date, so the most recent testimonial is at the top. Click on any link below to read the complete testimonial and view the original correspondence.
18 October 2013 Letter from Margaret in Tamworth, New South wales, Australia .... Thank you Graeme for allowing many listener's on Greme Gilbert's Talk Back Programme, to hear you extolling the wonderful story of John Sidney ... I am buying the full set ... Looking forward to many hours of listening to beautiful, relaxing music. ....
18 July 2012 Email from Jennifer in Aged Care at Cann River, Victoria, Australia .... I would just like to thank you for the wonderful music that you are providing to people through EvergreenMelodies. I received the CD's so promptly and we were not disappointed. I must also mention that it was a delight do business with you, as it is a rare find these days to find such well mannered, helpful and service with a smile attitude over the phone. .... Thank you so very much for persevering with this interest of yours and getting this music out to the public. I will do all I can to promote it, as I mix with others in this field of work. ....
20 February 2012 Email from Loree at Bonney Lake, Washington, USA .... I play your CD's in the Main Dining Room of the nursing home where my husband lives, and the residents love your music....
01 February 2012 Email from Ross in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales, Australia .... I ordered the complete collection of John Sidney music and am thoroughly enjoying every disk. I enjoyed your brochure that came with the package and very much enjoyed the story you wrote on how you met John and how the relationship developed together with the challenges you faced. Can I recommend one thing bring down the age on your brochure from 60 - 55, I am 56 your brochure recommends to people over 60 .... this music is fantastic for both young and old .... keep up the great work I will certainly recommend it to all my friends and thanks for advertising on 2CH.....
12 January 2012 Letter from Bonnie at Emu Plains, New South Wales, Australia .... I am delighted and thoroughly enjoying the music, and very pleased I heard about you on 2CH. ....
06 January 2012 Email from Pat in Laurieton, New South Wales, Australia .... What beautiful packed music, put the first one on and then the tears flowed as I listened to that piano played by John, you don’t know how much I will always treasure these CDs, sorry can’t see now tears again then ....
06 January 2012 Email received from John Turner, a radio presenter in Adelaide, South Australia .... Without delay I had the parcel opened up and began to select and play my favourite songs. I agree with you entirely that the melody in each rendition is not hidden in overly decorated piano dressing. This makes for easier appreciation of each tune. In addition most numbers have a delightful rhythm and it seems hard to not grab a partner and start dancing, even around the kitchen floor! .... Thank you again for your gift of this great Australian artist which I am happy to make known in my corner of this state .... (John Turner is a volunteer presenter at Adelaide FM 101.5 - Click here to listen live )
22 December 2011 Email received from Lois in Rosebery, New South wales, Australia .... I'm just listening to "You're As Pretty As a Picture" bringing memories of when I made my "Debute" 1961. How time flies! Thank you for your prompt service. I think coffee now and listen to "Ramona" ....
22 December 2011 Note from Kevin in Panania, New South Wales, Australia .... Many thanks for your fast attention to my order. I look forward to increasing my library in due course....
20 December 2011 Email received from Rod in Carseldine, Queensland, Australia .... I received the 5 CD set last Friday and have been playing it ever since - most enjoyable and relaxing. I'm sure my elderley parents will also derive a lot of enjoyment from the music. I also found your story very interesting ....
20 December 2011 Emails from Leonie & Alan in Port Macquarie, New South wales, Australia .... Just started to play them they sound great .... Just letting you know how wonderful the CD's are, we are really enjoying them taking us back to all the beautiful music we love. When we were younger it was the music played at all the dances & parties. Thank you for keeping it all going ....
19 December 2011 Letter from Joy in Terrigal, New South Wales, Australia .... Thank you for putting John Sidney on 2CH radio .... You have no idea how the music has changed my life, I just love all of it. .... I dance around the lounge room to the beautiful music. .... When people in our village go past my place they can hear the music. .... My words can never thank you enough, as to how this music has bought me alive ....
14 December 2011 Email received from Graeme in Coburg, Victoria, Australia .... they love the music they say it relaxes them takes them back to the old days .... (Graeme … Recreation Officer, Aged Care Housing Service Aged Care and Support Services, North West.)
05 December 2011 Letter received from Edna in Warilla, New South Wales, Australia .... thank you a million times over for advertising John’s music on 2CH .... I listen to John every day .... when I play John’s music I’m up dancing around the lounge room remembering when. My neighbours also enjoy my music as I tend to have the volume up. I’ve asked them if it bothers them and their response was turn it up louder, speaks for itself doesn’t it ....
05 December 2011 Email received from Deidre from and Aged Care Facility in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia .... I also play the John Sidney CD during an exercise class on Fridays, and some of the residents sing-a-long while exercising. A sight impaired lady, on hearing the music, began to dance when she was led into the seated exercise class last Friday, which inspired me to adapt some of the exercise moves to dance steps, and we had a great time with a lot of laughter, which is always good! ....
02 December 2011 Email received from Tom in Glenbrook, New South Wales, Australia .... I have thoroughly enjoyed the CD’s – they are permanently in my home CD playing as background music. When I spoke with you, you indicated that you may have another pianist you will be recording. Just wondered if you got him up & going? ....
A website Remember That Song With Barry Hall went online September 2012 and is a website dedicated to the works and life of Barry Hall from Adelaide, South Australia. There are four CDs in the online CD Catalogue and you can sample every song on every CD by clicking on a CD then click on any song title to download an MP3 sample file .
08 November 2011 Email received from Weng in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia .... I bought a CD from you, i.e. Vol. 2 John Sidney's piano music. I write to thank you for introducing his music. It reminds me many older friends whom I met in the UK and Australia and they were no longer living. The music brings back many fond memories of those people who left indelible ink in my life. Thank you once again....
01 November 2011 Email received from Carlene in Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia .... I have been playing that lovely music for days now and it's what my mother used to play on our piano when my sister and I were growing up, so I know she is going to love her Xmas present! ....
13 October 2011 Letter from Margaret in Mundubbera, Queensland, Australia .... These CDs were lovely all the residents just love them. Starting on the dance CD next week ....
07 October 2011 Letter from Margaret in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... I am having so much pleasure listening to this beautiful music ....
27 September 2011 Letter from Aileen in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... thank you for the prompt delivery of my CD's .... I have played the first three of the set and did a little bit of dancing around with my quad stick. I think a lot of my other CD's will be playing second fiddle to these for awhile ....
24 September 2011 Letter from Cliff in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... thank you for the very proffessional way you presented John's piano music .... I have played and enjoyed the collection .... I adore piano music. You said in your not to "Enjoy" and I sure have .... rest assured I will have MANY hours of pleasurable listening in the months ahead ....
02 September 2011 Letter received from Len in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... the music is beautiful and reminds me of my nights back in the late 40's when .... I am enjoying the John Sidney piano music, my wife is humming the tunes and is very pleased .... (Len's letter is a lovely read and makes our efforts sharing John Sidney's music with others to enjoy all so worthwhile).
31 August 2011 Email from Carolyn in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... received parcel this morning and listened to all four CDs. Great quality, lots of memories ....
25 August 2011 Email from Gordon in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... I am having a musical afternoon! Unfortunately I am not getting any work done. I thought that I would be able to continue with my research on the internet whilst enjoying this beautiful music as a background. However, I found that I had to stop and listen to the chord progressions, the active left hand playing magnificent tenths, his runs up and down the keyboard, the fill ins (between bars) and those superb chord constructions. John Sidney played with great sensitivity, lots of colour and a delicate touch .... I really appreciate those CD's. ....
25 August 2011 Email from Dale in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... I bought these CDs for my grandmother .... thank you very much for the fast service .... she wants a couple more ....
25 August 2011 Email from Cherie in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... Mum .... will be singing your praises to all her friends and family .... she has many friends in Community Radio on the Coast and I know all my aunts and her friends will love the CD's ....
23 August 2011 Email from Derek McIntosh in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... Stunning! A great album purchase ....
18 August 2011 Letter from Helen, an aged care carer in Penrith, New South Wales, Australia .... Many Thank for absolutely beautiful music of John Sidney. We have a lot of music here but this music is so special the melody - fantastic - wish I had this 25 years ago ....
16 August 2011 Email from Joan in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... Thank you for the Easy Listening Piano CD's .... I have played them twice over already and really love to listen to John Sidney's easy style of playing. I will most surely get a lot of pleasure out of them ....
09 August 2011 Letter from Judy in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... Thank you for sending the John Sidney Collection CDs. I enjoy listening to them very much .... It brings back many happy memories of the good times we enjoyed around the pianola ....
05 August 2011 Email from John in Sydney, New South wales, Australia .... it is fantastic .... I want to order the sing along now. I think the story of your meeting John is a most moving story and should be seen by many people ....
29 July 2011 Email from Chris in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... Having now played some of the disks we are totally enjoying them, the music is so lovely, brings back memories and is just so relaxing and easy to listen to .... We are really enjoying the music so much. Keep up the good work of spreading joy by distributing the CDs. ....
26 July 2011 Letter received from Lorna in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. .... Thank you so much for the beautiful CD's .... I think your story about how it all happened is really wonderful I read it a number of times ....
26 July 2011 Letter from Pam in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. .... I have received the CD's, played all .... and know all will be played many times. John Sidney's music is certainly a pleasure to listen to. I am glad to be a regular listener to 2CH to enable me to hear good music ....
24 July 2011 Email from Karina in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. .... I just want to say how much I love and appreciate the music of John Sidney .... I love reading how you met John and I would have to say that it was certainly by 'chance' but I am so grateful that it happened so that I may enjoy his beautiful playing and his music can live on ....
22 July 2011 Email from Karina in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. .... the CDs arrived safely .... thank you for sending them so promptly .... the presentation is not only excellent but beautiful including how they are even packed ....
05 July 2011 Letter from Colin in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia .... Just a short note to say how thrilled I am with the CDs of John Sidney. I was brought up in the 40s & 50s when we had wonderful "sing songs" around my mother's & grandmother's pianos & John's excellent CDs bring back those wonderful days. What a wonderful style he has. It's something you don't get in the modern music of today. I'm so pleased we found out about his CDs you are selling ....
17 June 2011 Email from Kym, a care manager in Central Western NSW, Australia .... A few months ago, after referring your website to a couple of people, I won a free CD and chose Easy Listening Piano Vol 1. I am a Care Manager of an aged care facility in .... and my residents love this CD so I have decided to buy the whole set plus the whole set of Aged Care Musical Resources too ....
03 June 2011 Letter from Mavis in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia .... I have played both CDs over and over and anticipate with pleasure each time I do. I guess the selection of songs in their time frame dates me but I still delight in hearing them ....
27 April 2011 Email from Jan in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia .... Mum is very pleased with her CDs .... Time drags for aged care residents over long weekends etc because the normal staff are not available for activities. Mum was very pleased to have something special to fill in the time ....
18 April 2011 Email from Jan in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia .... Mum ... phoned me and the first thing I heard was piano music playing as she held the phone up to the player! .... she wants the whole set .... Thanks for the speedy delivery ....
22 March 2011 Email from Sharon in Lewes, Delaware, USA .... I liked Robyn Warren's message about how alert the people became at mealtime when the CD is on .... So many people are so appreciative that you had the vision to record John playing his music so it could be preserved forever ....
15 March 2011 Email from 'The Tapsations' in Lewes, Delaware, USA .... Sing A Long With John Sidney . We have used this CD prior to our shows for over 7 years and the response is always heartwarming. When that CD starts, many of the residents in the audience will actually stand up and begin to dance as well as sing the songs that they all can relate to so well. And that happy mood always carries over throughout our performances. ....
11 March 2011 Letter from Noel Murfet in Frankston, Victoria, Australia .... I bought 12 CDs as a surprise gift to a special friend (Jo) who is in her mid 80s. We are thrilled with your product. .... These CDs rekindled a flood of long forgotten childhood memories. ....
07 March 2011 Email from Gayle in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .... I received the order this morning and have been playing the CDs ever since. I am delighted with them ....
10 February 2011 Letter from Elaine in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia .... Thank you for sending the John Sidney CDs so promptly. .... I am thrilled with them all .... I can become addicted! .... I felt quite sad to think that all that talent was gone, but then I was so thankful to think that you had had the foresight to do what you did. ....
09 February 2011 Letter from Beryl in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia .... having worked many years with the elderly, I am sure the seniors would really appreciate hearing all the old tunes being played so expertly, and sing-a-long as I do. ....
20 January 2011 Email from Zerlina in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia .... you deserve a pat on the back for your foresight with this music, ....
19 January 2011 Email from Zerlina in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia .... Full marks to you, not only for recognising the magic in this man's music but also for having the foresight to persuade him to have it recorded thus giving so many people the oportunity of enjoying it with you. ....
19 January 2011 Guestbook entry made by Paula from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia .... We visited the Allendale Gardens between Stanley and Smithton . They were playing a John Sidney CD in the gardens .... it's great that the music of this very talented man lives on ....
16 January 2011 Letter from Malcolm in Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia .... John's brilliant piano music .... I have my beautiful Bose music system and can relive all those old melodies that I love so much. .... Thank you for keeping GOOD music alive ....
Testimonials received during 2011
Testimonials received during 2010
Testimonials received during 2009
Testimonials received during 2008
Testimonials received during 2007
Testimonials received during 2006
Testimonials received during 2005
Testimonials received during 2004
Testimonials received during 2003
Testimonials received during 2002